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Houston Leads State in Truck and 18 Wheeler Accidents

Houston Leads State in Truck and 18 Wheeler Accidents

Undefeated Houston Truck Accident Lawyers

As the heart of the nation’s petrochemical industry and a thriving port city, Houston sees more large truck and 18-wheeler traffic than just about any other city in Texas. 

Though these trucks play a crucial role in our economy, hauling the goods we need to survive, they have a responsibility to do so safely. Instead, the latest Houston truck accident statistics show large trucks and 18-wheelers are more dangerous than ever.

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One of Every Six Texas Truck Accidents Occurs in Houston

One of Every Six Texas Truck Accidents Occurs in Houston

Texas is notorious for having the most truck accidents in the nation year after year, and Houston is ground zero for these dangerous and often deadly crashes, accounting for more than 16% of all the big rig collisions in the Lone Star State.

According to Texas Department of Transportation crash statistics, there were 38,621 truck accidents in Texas in 2022, and at least 6,203 of these crashes occurred in Harris County. That’s by far the highest number than any other county in the state. The next closest county, Dallas County, saw just 3,999 commercial motor vehicle crashes.

48 Houston Truck Accident Fatalities in 2022: The Most in Two Decades

Of the 6,203 truck accidents in Harris County in 2022:

  • 950 were crashes that possibly injured 1,543 people
  • 117 were suspected serious crashes with 147 suspected serious injuries
  • 47 were fatal crashes that claimed 48 lives — that’s the equivalent of one deadly 18-wheeler crash every week 

In fact, Houston saw more truck accident fatalities in 2022 than it has in nearly two decades, according to TxDOT commercial motor vehicle statistics dating back to 2006.  

And though an alarming 53 lives were lost in fatal truck accidents in Dallas County in 2022, the most in Texas, Harris County has still seen more fatal truck accidents than Dallas over the last three years. From 2020 to 2022, 134 lives were claimed in truck accidents on Houston roads, compared to 126 fatalities in Dallas.

Factors Contributing to Truck Accidents in Houston

These statistics are shocking and underscore one thing: Houston drivers share the road with some of the most dangerous vehicles (and reckless drivers) not just in the state, but the entire country.

Though you’d think that commercial trucking companies and their drivers would want to ensure the safety of everyone on the road while abiding by strict federal and state regulations — they often don’t, prioritizing profits over all else. Sadly, it’s been our experience that Houston truck accidents are almost always entirely preventable.

Factors that make truck accidents in Houston even more dangerous include:

Reckless Driving

The common causes of truck accidents are well known, and they typically boil down to reckless, careless, negligent actions that could have easily been prevented if the trucking industry had put safety first. They include:

Unfortunately, when trucking companies put profits over safety and drivers act recklessly to beat the clock, the result is often catastrophic.  And a blatant disregard for safety is so common among truckers today that there is no denying its deadly impact on our roads. In fact, truck accident fatalities have increased 48% in the U.S. over the last decade, prompting many to call it a national safety crisis.

Dangerous Highways 

Houston is also home to some of the most dangerous highways in the U.S., including:

  • Interstate 10, where at least 3,537 commercial vehicle crashes have occurred since 2017. 
  • Interstate 45, which is often considered the deadliest road in Texas, and sees some it most dangerous stretches in Houston, including two interchanges along 610.
  • TX-8 Beltway (Sam Houston Parkway), which has seen more than 3,186 commercial motor vehicle accidents since 2017.

And for each of those wrecks, thousands more have occurred along Interstate 610, U.S. 59, U.S. 288, U.S. 290, and U.S. 225 — all known as some of the worst areas for truck collisions in Houston.  Even city thoroughfares like Westheimer Rd., Chimney Rock Rd., Gessner Rd., Holcombe Blvd., and Shepherd Dr., where congestion and speeding are common, have seen hundreds of collisions with tow trucks, delivery trucks, garbage trucks, box trucks, and more commercial motor vehicles over the last five years, many of them catastrophic. 

When the reckless actions of trucking companies and their drivers meet the most dangerous roads in the state, it’s little wonder why 18-wheeler crashes have become deadlier than ever in Houston. 

Sadly, there is little those in a passenger vehicle can do to protect themselves, and it is often those in a passenger vehicle that bear the brunt of a truck collision.

Protecting Yourself After a Houston Truck Accident

When the unthinkable happens, the trucking company, its insurance company, and their teams of attorneys will do everything they can to blame you for the crash and avoid paying you the full compensation you deserve. 

Hiring a good truck accident lawyer isn’t enough — you need the best. 

When trucking companies see Zehl & Associates on your lawsuit, they treat your case differently because they know:

  • We understand how trucking companies operate including the tactics they use to avoid responsibility
  • We never settle for less than the FULL compensation you deserve
  • We are undefeated in the courtroom
  • We don’t just win — we set records 

When we’re hired, we make sure that you receive the best medical treatment available, and that you are able to pay your bills and reasonable living expenses while your case in pending. We treat our clients like family and are here for you 24/7 from day one. Our top priority is getting you the information you need to make the best decision for you and your family.

But don’t just take it from us. Hear what our clients have to say about working with us.

Undefeated Houston Truck Accident Attorneys: Call 1-888-603-3636 for a Free Consult  

Our Undefeated Houston Truck Accident Attorneys near you have won Billions – including the Largest Truck Accident Settlement in Texas — for Texans seriously injured or tragically killed in a large truck or 18-wheeler crash.

If you have questions about your legal rights and options following a Texas truck or 18-wheeler accident, please call 888-603-3636 or contact us online.

All consultations are free, and you’ll owe nothing unless we win your case.