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Blitz Gas Can Explosions

Exploding Blitz Gas Cans: What Wal-Mart Does Not Want You To Know

Burn Injury Attorneys at Zehl & Associates

The Burn Injury Lawyers at Zehl & Associates are part of a very small group of attorneys across the United States who have successfully represented clients who were severely burned by one of these cans.

In just the past 5 years alone, our Burn Injury Attorneys have recovered over $1 Billion in settlements and verdicts on behalf of our injured clients.

Wal-Mart, along with its gas can supplier Blitz USA, have already encountered a number of successful lawsuits regarding these dangerous cans and their tendency to explode while being used for ordinary purposes. There have been at least 5 lawsuits filed against Blitz USA in the Eastern District of Texas alone since 2004. For some reason, these companies continue to insist that their products are safe as is and are not responsible for injuring anyone in any way. The explosion attorneys at Zehl & Associates PC have the knowledge, experience and resources necessary to hold these giant corporations accountable for their actions and ensure that you and your family are properly compensated for your injuries and losses.

Let us put our Winning Team to Work for You. Call (888) 603-3636 for a Free Consult

If you or a loved one has been injured by an exploding gas can, contact one of the experienced attorneys for a free consultation at (888) 603-3636 or simply fill out the “Contact” or “Chat” forms on this website

Number of Defective Blitz Gas Cans on the Market

Portable gas containers are everywhere. Unfortunately, many of these plastic containers have serious manufacturing and design defects that could lead the user to suffer devastating burns, injuries and even death. These horrible accidents could easily be avoided with slight changes to the design of the container as well as with proper warnings informing users of the potential for danger. Unfortunately, the primary retailer Wal-Mart, along with its supplier Blitz USA, refuse to own up to the dangers inherent in the current design of their plastic portable gas containers.

The problems associated with these Dangerous and Defective Blitz Gas Cans include:

  • The lack of a flame arrestor in the spout of the gas can. This simple modification, which typically costs no more than 50 cents to add, consists of a small metal device with holes fitted into the spout of a gas container. The arrestor functions by forcing the flame to travel through a channel that is too narrow to allow the flame to pass through. This would keep the remaining gasoline in the can from igniting and exploding. The design has been widely used in various capacities over the past hundred years. It is even used in rum bottles containing high-proof alcohol.
  • The lack of child-resistant gas caps. For many years, manufacturers, including Blitz USA, have sold portable gas containers without child-resistant caps. Even though the cost to replace the original cap with a child-resistant cap is typically no more than a few cents extra, manufacturers still refuse to take the proper action to protect the purchasers of their products.In order to get away with this, these unscrupulous manufacturers have relied on a loophole in the Poison Prevention Packaging Act (PPPA). The PPPA requires child-resistant caps on any toxic or flammable substances that will be used and stored around the home. However, because these were sold empty, they were not subject to the requirement.
    Recently, in July of 2008, the Children’s Gasoline Burn Prevention Act was passed requiring all gas cans sold on or before January 17, 2009 to include child-resistant gas caps. However, countless containers fitted with unsafe, easy-open gas caps are still sitting in homes across the country. These non-resistant caps are easily opened by small children and will undoubtedly lead to more tragic injuries and deaths in the future. A simple modification like this generally only costs a few cents more than the original.
  • The lack of proper warnings on the container itself. The manufacturers of portable gas cans often mold the warnings into the side of the containers themselves. As a result, these small, raised, red-plastic letters are often too difficult to read to properly warn the user. In other cases, the warnings are missed altogether due to the fact that the red letters blend into the red container. These ambiguous methods of warning users as to the dangers of the product they are using indicate a willful disregard for public safety and have resulted in a number of lawsuits alleging a failure to warn of the potential for danger. A bold, visible warning would only cost a few pennies more and would prevent numerous tragic accidents.
  • The lack of proper spill-proof closures on the container. Without proper closures, the risk of an accidental gasoline spill is considerably higher. Unfortunately, children have been known to use these containers to imitate their parents, even pouring gasoline on their toys or bicycles trying to simulate the real thing. Due to the weight of these 5 gallon containers and the lack of a spill-proof closure, these innocent children often end up soaked in gasoline and are one spark away from total disaster.

While many portable gas can manufacturers have modified their designs over the years to reduce the risk of explosions, Blitz USA has repeatedly refused to make any such alterations. This steadfast position as to the safety and quality of its product has resulted in numerous explosions and catastrophic injuries that could have easily been avoided.

Contact the Burn Injury Attorneys at Zehl & Associates for a Free Consult at (888) 603-3636