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Top 5 Things to Do After A Car Accident in Texas

Texas Car Accident Lawyer | Top 5 Things to Do After a Car Accident

Undefeated Houston Car Accident Lawyers

If you or a loved one were injured or tragically killed in a car accident that resulted from another driver’s recklessness or negligence, it’s essential to understand that time is not on your side.

The first moments and hours after a crash – even a minor fender-bender — are frightening and confusing. As your body floods with adrenaline, you may be overcome with emotion, and you could be in shock. Under such trying circumstances, it very easy to act impulsively or say something you shouldn’t.

The actions you take immediately after your car accident could well determine whether or not you and your family receive the compensation you deserve. If you don’t act quickly, the evidence you need to prove your case could go missing or be destroyed, and witnesses to the crash might forget some of the most vital details.

If you were injured in a Houston car accident, contact our Houston car accident injury lawyers to schedule a free consultation.

Call 911 Immediately and Get the Medical Attention You Need

Contacting 911 immediately after a crash is extremely important, even if it appears that no one was seriously injured. Some injuries may not be readily apparent, while seemingly minor injuries could be the first sign that something is seriously wrong. That’s why you must get checked out by an EMT and be seen in the emergency room right away.

When the police arrive, they’ll take statements from the other drivers involved, as well as any witnesses to the crash. They’ll also review the damage to other vehicles and any evidence at the scene. Everything the police learn will go into a written report that you’ll be able to use to prove another driver was at fault for the crash.

Collect and Record Important Information at the Crash Scene

While the official police report is invaluable in helping you prove your case, that report may not be available for weeks. It’s also very easy to forget important details as time passes.
If you’re physically able and it’s safe to do so, try to collect as much information and evidence for your records while you’re still on the scene. Use your smartphone to take videos and photos of the crash site, including:

  • Damage to your car and any other vehicles involved in the accident.
  • The roadway, including any skid marks.
  • All stop signs, stop lights, and other traffic control signals.
  • The roadway lighting.

You should also try to collect as much information as you can from the other drivers involved in the crash, including their names, addresses, and license plate numbers, as well as the names of their insurance carriers and policy numbers. You should also obtain names and contact information from anyone who witnessed the accident.

The Accident Scene is Not the Place to Discuss Fault

While at the accident scene, you need to avoid any discussion or speculation regarding fault.   Say nothing, even if you think you were partly to blame, as anything you say could be used by the insurance company to avoid paying what you deserve.
It’s in your best interest to hold off on making any statements until you’ve left the scene and had a chance to speak with an Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer who’s successfully handled car accident cases and taken big insurance companies to court.

Contact Your Insurance Company

You should always notify your insurance company when you’ve been in a car accident, even if you’re not hurt and are confident you weren’t at fault. If you neglect to inform your insurer, you could be issued a detail of coverage and prevented from receiving PIP, Med-Pay, and other benefits that you’ll need to cover medical bills and other expenses.
Stick to the facts when talking to your insurance adjuster, avoid speculating about fault, and NEVER provide a written or recorded statement.

Don’t Provide a Statement to Another Driver’s Insurance Company

In all likelihood, you’ll receive calls from the other drivers’ claims reps or insurance adjusters shortly after the crash. They’ll promise to “make things right,” “take care of you,” and say anything else to convince you that they’re on your side.
But don’t be fooled! No matter what they might say or promise, they’re only looking to avoid all responsibility by minimizing your injuries and blaming you for the car accident. You’re under no obligation to speak with these people, nor should you.

Contact an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer

The insurance company’s only priority is protecting its bottom line. They’re not above delaying and denying valid claims to avoid paying car accident victims what they’re owed – even when it’s clear the actions of their policyholder caused the crash.
If you try to negotiate on your own, the insurance carrier will only continue to make inadequate settlement offers, and you’re likely to walk away without the compensation needed to cover all of your injuries and losses.
To avoid mistakes that could cost you and your family thousands of dollars, you must hire a personal injury attorney who regularly handles car accident cases, understands the insurance company’s tactics, and won’t hesitate to go to trial when the company refuses to negotiate in good faith.

Undefeated Car Accident Lawyers with Billions Won for Our Clients: Call 1-888-603-3636 or Click Here for a Free Consultation.

In addition to being Undefeated, our Car Accident Lawyers have won billions for thousands of crash victims and families in Texas, Louisiana, and across the United States, including the Largest Truck Accident Settlement in Texas for 2019.
If you or someone you love were injured or tragically killed in a car accident or other motor vehicle crash, call 1-888-603-3636, use the “chat” button on our homepage, or click here to send us a confidential email through our “Contact Us” form.
We’ll answer your questions, explain your rights, and provide you with the information you need to decide what’s best for you and your family.
To learn more about our success representing accident victims and their families, visit our “Results” page or Click Here to see what our clients have said about their experience with our firm.
All consultations are free, and because we work on a contingency fee, you won’t owe us a cent unless we win your case.
Call 1-888-603-3636 or click here to send us an email through our “Contact Us” form.